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Trtl Pillow Review – Is This the Best Travel Pillow on the Market?

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Let’s admit it, most travel pillows suck. The plastic ones where you have to blow them up, that leak out those polystyrene balls or are too small to offer any kind of neck support.

But, I think I have finally found my solution to all of those issues; the Trtl pillow.

Discovering this was like one of those eureka moments where you wish you had discovered it way before all those long hours on flights and night buses.

When I was backpacking through Asia, I lost more hours of sleep than I could count as I had zero neck support due to my height and the seats not being comfy enough. I’d screw up my hoodie in the vain attempt to cradle my neck but to no result.

The Trtl pillow changes all of that. It’s lightweight and compact but strong enough to support you and ensure you sleep well! Genius. Here’s my Trtl pillow review and why it’s the best gift for travel lovers.

Disclaimer: I was gifted my Trtl travel pillow for this review. Although this was a gift, all photos and opinions are my own

trtl pillow review
I love how it fits so easily onto a backpack, perfect for travel without taking up extra carry on space!

My full Trtl Pillow Review

The design is a spark of genius

The first thing I noticed about the travel pillow was how super soft the fleece material was!  

It’s perfect for comfort but also keeping cosy warm in those super cold air-conditioned buses/planes.

Within the fleece, itself is a plastic rib (you can’t feel it once it’s on) which provides some serious neck support so you won’t get that creeky neck feeling or be woken up by it.

So, once you’ve wrapped the fleece around the C shape and secured it with the velcro, the pillow cradles your neck so you stay in an upright ‘ergonomic’ position using your shoulder as a rest.

I was a little concerned at first as I always find that because I’m petite that these things won’t fit me properly. But the design is adjustable so it will fit any body type and, for me, it fits like a glove.

Once you have the Trtl pillow on, it’s so comfy!

The design is perfect for me as I hate bending my neck back to sleep like a U-pillow force me too It definitely beats leaning forward on my food tray or leaning up against the window on planes!

trtl pillow review

It’s perfect for napping in every travel situation

The number of times I’ve sat on a plane, train, bus, bus station, airport lounge or train station while travelling overnight and would have wished for this pillow is untrue!

Overnight travel, especially in Asia, is the norm if you’re on a budget and losing sleep was something I just accepted. But, I truly think that now I have this pillow, it won’t be as much of a struggle for me.

Sure, it looks a little different than your normal U-shaped travel pillow but I would pick this one over that any day for the comfort it provides.

As it doesn’t take up much space and you essentially don’t have to lean against anything to use it (it uses your jaw/shoulder), it can work for any kind of napping situation.

trtl pillow review

The reasons why I love the Trtl pillow

  • It actually supports my neck – this is something I struggle with most with traditional travel pillows. The design is perfect and it’s scientifically proven to provide a better neck support.
  • It’s compact and lightweight – when I travel, weight and space is everything, so the fact I can hang this from my backpack and it takes up little or no space is a definite bonus. It also only weigh half a pound (226 grams approx) so I don’t have to worry about it tipping the scales.
  • It’s machine washable – no longer will I have a gross dirty travel pillow that I can’t wash on my travels!
  • It’s made of comfy hypoallergenic fleece –  it’s so soft to wear and keeps me warm and cosy on air-conditioned transport.
trtl pillow review

The perfect stocking filler

This is definitely the perfect stocking filler for those who love to travel! You can give them the comfort of sleep on upcoming trips and it’s actually an affordable gift.

Or, If you’re looking for a reliable travel pillow for yourself, I would definitely recommend the Trtl pillow.

Usually, the Trtl pillow is £29.99 on Amazon but at the moment they have it on offer for £17.45 (as of  15/12/2018) which is a total bargain.

Click here to buy the Trtl pillow and never sacrifice sleep while travelling again!

Save this Trtl Pillow review for later!

trtl pillow review


Sunday 8th of March 2020

This pillow is the best .

Sophie Pearce

Sunday 8th of March 2020

Thanks Thera, it totally is! Sophie x