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A Complete Guide for Securing a Russian Visa as a UK Citizen

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Looking to get a Russian Visa as a UK citizen? Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process.

There are a few reasons why there aren’t too many tourists to Russia;

1) The stigma that it’s a miserable country (which is not true – they’re lovely!)

2) The price of everything (which actually isn’t as bad as you think!)

3) The incredibly confusing and expensive VISA process! 

It may seem like a bit of an endless saga trying to work out what to do. Including how much it’s all going to cost and what’s required to qualify. But, don’t panic!

Although it does seem complicated, getting a Russian VISA isn’t as hard as it seems. You just need to break it down into small pieces and tick each one off on your list. Use this helpful Russian Visa guide to assist you!

Note: This is a guide for UK citizens applying for a Russian tourist VISA. It may be similar for your country but you should always check the requirements. Fees and the process for your own country may be different.

russian visa uk citizen

Before you apply and how much a Russian Visa costs

  • Book your flights: the Russian VISA process is really strict on knowing your exact dates of travel and locations while you’re going to stay there so make sure you’ve booked and know your entry and exit dates.
  • Book your hotels: This is also a requirement and the VISA form will have a list of hotels per city for you to select from. Although you could probably get away with selecting one and changing it, I wouldn’t risk it! Each city has different tourist fees depending on how long you stay so make sure you research.
  • Check you passport: Make sure there are 2 blank pages in your passport for your VISA and it is in date for when you travel there.
  • Check how much a Russian Visa will cost: There are different fees and prices depending on what service you are applying for. I went with the normal service and it cost around £143! (yeah, i know)
russian visa uk citizen

Applying for your Russian VISA as a UK citizen

Pick a company to handle documents, invitations and tourist fees for you

Choosing a company to handle your VISA forms and documents may be an easier option for you and will save you time!  

I chose Real Russia, as I read a lot of reviews which said they were a reliable service. I can now vouch for that, they were brilliant!

They kept me up to date every step of the way.

You will pay a slight premium, but it’s worth it to ensure you get through that border.

Do it yourself 

You can go through the process of applying for a VISA on your own and it can be slightly cheaper.

Check here for more details.

Documents you will need to send off to your company:

  • VISA application form: This will require your usual details but it will also require your current occupation, previous occupations, parents full names and their occupations and all the countries you’ve travelled to in the last 10 years. You will then need to print this off and sign where appropriate. 

TIP: I know you’re thinking how can I possibly remember every country I’ve visited in the last decade?! Don’t worry, you only need to include ones you have stamps/VISAs for in your form. If you do not include these countries, you will incur a fine per stamp that isn’t accounted for! So make sure you check. It will also ask you for exact dates of day, month, and year (Again don’t worry – these should also be on your stamps)

  • Passport: You will need this for your VISA to be beautifully presented on a page.
  • Passport Photo(s): You will need to send off 2 regular passport photos for your VISA. These can be taken at any PhotoBooth just make sure that you pay for UK standard passport size.
russian visa uk citizen

Arranging a Bio Metrics Appointment

After your VISA application has been received, your company will contact to book an appointment at the Russian Embassy in London or Edinburgh. This is for a Bio-metrics appointment.

It sounds scary but this is a pain-free process to scan your fingerprints!

This is a legal requirement and unfortunately, you cannot get around it.

You could arrange for a private appointment at your home but it would cost A LOT of money.

The Embassy is only open Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (closed Wednesdays). This is from 8.45 am-3 pm.

Bookings can be made via your chosen VISA service company or you can contact them directly here. 

russian visa uk citizen

Giving your Bio Metrics

Before you arrive, make sure you have your VISA documents with you to sign.

If you have applied through Real Russia or a VISA company, a courier will meet you outside the embassy at your chosen time to provide you with them.

When you get inside the Russian Embassy in London you will be asked to go through security and be given a ticket (kind of like being at Argos!).

When your number is called you will be asked to the desk and then your assistant will check through all your documents.

You will then be asked to place your four fingers from each hand on the scanner and both of your thumbs. When they have been scanned, your documents will be stamped and – that’s it!

You now have the rest of the day to explore if you wish. The whole process took us around 15 minutes, a long trip to London for a short visit!

Just keep thinking of that Red Square at sunset…

russian visa uk citizen

After your Bio-Metrics

After you have given your fingerprints, all that is left is for the Embassy to send the documents back to Real Russia or your VISA service provider.

Depending on what service you picked you will receive them via Royal Mail Special delivery around a week later.

These will be signed for, so make sure someone is home to collect!

russian visa uk citizen

So that’s how to get a Russian Visa as a UK citizen!

Your VISA will appear in your passport as one full page.

Make sure you check your details such as name and passport number and most importantly your entry and exit dates to ensure you a smooth process through border control.

Note: They may add some extra days onto your exit date in case of emergencies. But always check that this was intentional, better to be safe than sorry!

russian visa uk citizen

And Finally..

It may seem like it’s overwhelming, but honestly, the process isn’t as bad as you think.

Furthermore, if you hire a company like Real Russia, you’re in safe hands and most of the hard work is done for you! (I don’t work for the company, I just really rate their service)

I also booked my Sapsan tickets through them to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg (in a record 4 hours) and you can find out how to do this here. 

Sure, you have to go to London and shell out some extra money but all that VISA process will totally be worth it when you can set your eyes on THIS…

russian visa uk citizen
russian visa uk citizen

And this… …And the list goes on! Russia is so beautiful and worth its weight in VISA fee gold! Don’t think of the price, think of the experiences.

Now you have your Russia Visa, you can start planning your trip

Here are some of my favorite articles on Russia. Read all my Russia post archives here.


Friday 7th of April 2023

actually, now flights are required to apply for your Russian visa and given current uncertainty it is better to apply for a longer term visa, say 90 days single entry, so you have more flexibility with your travel plans. Here you have more information -

Visa Agent

Wednesday 6th of March 2019

Thanks for this great article this is very use full article who want to Russia Visa Service and this is complete information about it.